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Thoughts & Inspiration

So, as you may have noticed, I rarely stay in one place longer than a month these days.  In fact, there are only two places I have lived in for more than a week consecutively in the last year: home (KC) and Kodiak, AK (miss you guys!).  Without intending to, I have essentially been on The World Race domestic addition and while it sometimes takes its toll, I have never been happier.  Why?  Because this is exactly where the Lord wants me. 

As you know, I set out on a road trip 3 1/2 weeks ago with a church in Florida being the ultimate destination.  It wasn’t all planned out by any means, but I was still expecting the south to be the focus of this particular journey.  I was wrong.  A couple of weeks in I got a call from my mother that my aunt was inviting me up to Pennsylvania to share with a group of her friends and have Thanksgiving with her and my uncle.  I had already ended up on two detours so far, meeting some amazing people, and was more than ready to go with the flow and see what else the Lord was going to do; so of course I said yes (not to mention I love my aunt and uncle). 

So now I am sitting on a couch in PA wondering what else the Lord might possibly have in store.  I have contacted several people in the Northeast, and even Canada, and am hoping to have the opportunity to share with some churches and individuals while in the area, as well as visit some dear friends, and still make it home by Christmas. 

It has been a crazy journey so far, but amazing and I want to say thank you to everyone who has hosted me, partnered with me financially, and most importantly prayed for me every step of the way and is continuing to do so… you are such a blessing.

Prayer Requests:

– Please continue to pray for more opportunities to arise, and for the Lord to move in the hearts of whomever He desires to partner with me in this ministry financially. 

– For the Lord to pave the way in Italy: both regarding practical things like language school and housing, as well as spiritually, in the hearts of the people

– Boldness as I speak

– That the Lord would continue to work in my uncle’s heart (who is doing better, but not necessarily expected to remain with us too much longer)



(pics – Top: Fall in GA  Bottom: A wonderful family I was blessed to stay with one night in FL)