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Thoughts & Inspiration

 Hi everyone!  I want to update you on a couple of things, but first let’s talk about freedom and victory for a moment.  The Lord has been teaching me so much over the past few weeks with traveling and my brother getting married, but through it all I keep coming back to these two words. I spent a week at the last WR training camp watching people begin to walk into His freedom for the first time.  It was beautiful.  We are meant to be free, to have life to the full.  Yet watching that I thought, why do most of our lives look like we’re still in bondage?  We strain and strive after the things of God when He offers them freely.  We beg for peace and joy when He says they are already ours; so why isn’t every Christian peaceful and joyful? 
Honestly, I think it’s because we have no idea what it truly means to be a son or daughter of the Most High while here on earth.  We seem to have forgotten all of the Scriptures that talk about ours being the victory.  Somehow in my own mind I had always taken that to mean at the end of the age when Satan is destroyed once and for all, but in Romans it says that in ALL THESE THINGS (in context meaning the struggles we face here on earth) we are MORE than conquerors.
There’s a song that says:
Freedom reigns in this place
Showers of mercy and grace
Falling on every face
There is freedom
That is truth, plain and simple.  God has been speaking to me for weeks now that He wants to walk me into victory.  So my question to you is… if it’s already ours, why must we walk into it?  Because we have lived for so long as if it wasn’t ours that we have no idea how to live it as reality.  There is freedom and healing that your Father wants to bring in your life and an authority as His child that is greater than you know.  Ask Him to walk you into the victory that is yours in Him. 
 That’s just a small taste of what the Lord has been speaking to me recently, but I hope that it blesses you.
On another note, I just arrived at my own training in North Carolina (thank you LORD and to all who gave)!  I am really looking forward to growing and learning and preparing for long-term ministry.   At the beginning of next month I head back home to Kansas City, then I’m going to Alaska to help my sister with her mission and wedding August 12th through September 21st, then back home to KC again, and hoping and praying to get on the field in time for the October 14th start date at language school.  Financially I have %15 of my monthly support raised so far, so I need the next %85 to come in, as well as about $2000 in start up fees. 
I would greatly appreciate your prayers for the finances to come in, that the Lord would refresh and revive my spirit this month and teach me how to find rest and peace in Him alone no matter where I am or what I am doing and that He would raise up a team to join me in ministry (one girl I know is praying about it, and I would LOVE for her to join me if that is what the Lord wants).  And of course, that He will prepare the hearts of the Italians we’ll be ministering to, and would teach me to walk in victory and my authority in Him.  Life is coming, I can feel it =)
Can I just add right now after some news I just heard about a church in TN where members signed up to pray for me a specific hour every single day, that our God is so truly amazing?!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
 (pics: Top – My brother Michael and his new wife Laura  Middle – My beautiful squadmate Dura worshipping  Bottom – Staff at WR training camp during an exercise)